Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Beginning

Hello everyone, and thanks for reading. I have decided to write a blog about one of my favorite pastimes, video games.
I have played video games all my life, remembering as a little kid playing my Sega Genesis. Now, as an owner of an Xbox 360 and PS3, I am a college student who pays close attention to the video game industry. I will try to discuss many topics, from positions and people in the industry to new games.
Starting this week, I will try to write about whatever comes to mind, from Bobby Kotick trying to take over the world, or the glut of October-November games. Please stay tuned!


  1. Seth what are your thoughts or opinons on mobile gaming? psp? ds? app stoer for iphone? app store for google android phones? mobile phones? Also, what do you contribut to video games? Do you like to code, design, write up, or make story lines or such for video games? i want some more info! hah thanks seth!


  2. I'll get to mobile gaming this weekend!

  3. Sweet! i can't wait now! It's so great to talk to you like this, i share the same passion as you, but im like in middle school...haha oh well! never to young to show interest! But, have you contributed on games? Do you have plans on any games for the future? Buy i need your email! hah sorry for being an anooying little brother, im just so intruged.

